Friday, October 16, 2009

Questions for WOW project

The WOW project was a project for the Water Company to show people what we can do to keep our water clean and safe. We painted these large paintings of examples of what can happen if we keep doing what we are doing that hurts the water in our community.

My job was to help paint these paintings and add lines to the paintings for details.

What I learned from this project was mostly team work and what I can do for my community. If we did not have teamwork on this project the project might have not gotten done.

Construction Building

This image was taken outside Rarick in the construction zone.
The perpective in this photo is two point. One way is down towards teh trees and one is heading towards the building. This image is similar to Edward Ruscha's art because he uses alot of buildings in his photos that have either a one point perpective or a two point perspective.

The Sidewalk

This image was taken outside Rarick Hall looking down the side walk. It has a focal point of the street and a horizon line of the street curb. This image is similar to Richard Serra's art by having a sense of a focal point luring you into the image.

Dorm Hallway

This image was taken of my dorm room hall way. This shows a very good one point perspective. The focal point is the door at the end of the hall way and everything is pointing in that direction. This compared to Richard Serra's art has similarities of the 3D affect by grasping the person and pulling them in.