Friday, November 6, 2009


In this picture my main figure is the "NO PARKING" sign. The ground for this photo is the ground itself and the trees behind. This photo is a good example of figure and ground. William Kentridge's photos are similar by that he uses a good figure and a good backround for his photos and in this photo I think they are both good.


This photo was taken behind Wiest Hall. In this photo the figure is the dumpster and the ground is the dorm building and the other dumpster. William Kentridge's pictures are similar in a sense that he uses a backround that goes along with the figure he is expressing.

This picture was taken outside of Custer Hall. In this photo, the motorcycle is the figure of the whole piece. The ground for this piece is the building behind and the aspault below. William Kentridge's pieces are similar in a sense that he uses objects in his piece and this also used objects.